Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe


208 Capitol Hill
PO Box 256
Nixon, NV 89424
(775) 574-1000 ext. 1116

See Full List of Business Licenses and Permits Here:
September 2024 Current Business Licenses

For information on how to apply for a Business License, see chart here: Business License Information Chart

Please read the Business License Ordinance before choosing your Business License Application! 

You can read it here: 2021 BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE  

3.17.02 PURPOSE

1. This Chapter is adopted by the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Council, governing body of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, pursuant to the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe. The provisions of this Chapter shall be construed in accordance with the fullest interpretation of the Tribe’s taxing and regulatory authority permitted by applicable laws, including those provisions within the Tribe’s Constitution and By-Laws.

2. In the exercise of its inherent authorities, and pursuant to the Constitution, the Tribal Council finds it necessary to implement a system of business licensing and permitting for the conduct of business within the boundaries of the Reservation.


As used in this Ordinance, unless the context requires otherwise, the following definitions shall apply:

Business” includes a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, business association or natural person who conducts an activity or who performs a service or engages in a trade for the purpose of generating a profit.

Charitable organization” means a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, association, or organization, or a licensed medical facility or facility for the dependent.

Department” means the Business Licensing Department, established under this Chapter.

Gross receipts” means the total sum of receipts for all business conducted on the Reservation, without any deduction therefrom on account of the cost of the property sold, the cost of the materials used, labor or service costs, place of delivery of the property sold, interest paid or payable, losses or other expenses whatsoever. “Gross receipts” does not include any sales exempt under the Tribe’s Tax Code.

License” means a revocable, limited-term grant of permission to operate a business within the Reservation.

Permit” means a revocable, temporary grant of permission to be on the Reservation for a certain purpose.

Person” means any natural person, trustee, independent contractor, contractor, court-appointed representative, syndicate, association, partnership, firm, club, company, corporation, business trust, institution agency, government corporation, municipal corporation, district or other political subdivision, supplier, operator, user or owner, or any officers, agents, employees or other representative, acting either for himself or herself or for any other person in any capacity, or any other entity recognized by law.

Reservation” means the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation.

Special Event Business” means a business that is operated for a brief period of time in conjunction with a special event taking place on or near the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation.

Tribal Council” means the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Council.

Tribal Court” means the Pyramid Lake Tribal Court.

Tribe” means the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe.

Under Resolution Number PL 62-07, the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe has adopted the attached criteria for temporary food stands and criteria for temporary water use by Tribal Members to create and promote economic opportunity for Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Members.

Resolution NO PL 6207

Criteria for Temporary Food Stands Res No PL 6207

Criteria for Temporary Water Use

3.17.301 PERMITS

A person, business, charitable organization, or Native American vendor who are engaged in business on temporary basis, sporadically, or periodically must obtain a business permit from the department, as follows:

1. Temporary Business Permit. All persons engaged in business on the Reservation for a period of not more than five (5) consecutive days. The fee for a temporary business permit is ten dollars ($10.00).

2. Special Event Permit. All persons engaged in business as part of a special event. The fee for a special event permit is fifty dollars ($50.00) per event. 

3. Native American Vendor Permit. Any Native American who is engaged in the sale of traditional Native American arts and crafts in their home or within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Tribe. The annual fee for a Native American Vendor Permit is ten dollars ($10.00).

4. Charitable Fundraising Permit. (Must provide 501(c)(3) designation.) Charitable organizations engaged in raising funds for religious or charitable purposes. The annual fee for a Charitable Fundraising Permit is ten dollars ($10.00).

5. Vendor Permit. Temporary vendors or peddlers selling goods at occasional events on the Reservation, such as pow-wows, community related sales or other cultural activities. The fee for a Vendor Permit is fifty dollars ($50.00) per event.



Please see the 2021 BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE for more information!

1. Applications for all licenses and renewals required by this chapter shall be made in writing to the department on a form provided by the department.

2. Each application must be accompanied by an administrative fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), the required administrative fee and application must contain:

(a) Name, address (mailing and physical), telephone number(s), and email addresses of the owner or owners of the business.

(b) Trade name, if any, to be used by the company. 

(c) Type of license applying for.

(d) Location at which the business will be conducted.

(e) A sworn statement that the applicant will comply with all laws applicable to the applicant’s business.

(f) A statement that the applicant consents to the jurisdiction of the Pyramid Lake Tribal Court and service of process in matters arising from the conduct of business.

(g) The name, address, and signature of the agent who will accept service of process on behalf of the company.

3. If the applicant is the sole owner, the information shall be required of him. If the applicant is a partnership, the information shall be required of each general partner. If the applicant is a corporation, the information shall be required of each officer and director. If the applicant is a limited liability company, the information shall be required of the manager and each member.

4. Each applicant and licensee must be at least 18 years of age.

Business License Application


In addition to a general business license, the following businesses must also obtain a specific license, pursuant to the applicable tribal law:

1. Gaming Operations
2. Medical Marijuana Establishment and Recreational Marijuana Business
3. Liquor Business
4. Mining Operations
5. Energy Generation Operations
6. Food Service Business



1. 2024 Burning Man Permit Application

2. Please read the criteria required for Food Handling here: Criteria for Temporary Food Stands

3. The Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe is concerned with the water use from community systems by Tribal members for service to the public for economic opportunity, therefore the Tribe hereby establishes certain standards to be used by Tribal members when temporarily using water provided from community systems. The Tribal member must show proof of the following standards before utilizing water provided to their site by community systems. Criteria for Temporary Water Use