Stone Mother Learning Center
Nixon Center – 195 West Pyramid Lake Road, Nixon, NV 89424
Ph: (775) 574-1031
Wadsworth Center – 380 Pyramid Street, Wadsworth, NV 89442
Ph: (775)575-2774

Welcome to the Stone Mother Learning Center! We are grateful that you have considered us in your search for a provider for your child’s care.
Stone Mother Learning Center is funded through a federal grant, the Child Care and Development Fund, financial support from the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, and from payments made directly by our parents/guardians. Our grant has certain requirements which we have been incorporated into our application. Therefore, it is important that the application be thoroughly completed and submitted with all requested supporting documents. Please be assured your information will remain confidential, and will be maintained in your child’s file.
Approximately every 6 months, an Income Verification form will be sent home, which should be returned within 5 days to maintain your child’s enrollment. If your income changes at any time, you may request an Income Verification Form to report these changes on your own. Once we receive your Income Verification, you will receive a Payment Calculation showing your placement on the sliding fee scales and expected weekly payment. Once your child begins attending daycare, you will receive a bill about every week, which you can pay at the Tribal Finance Office, or by payroll deduction for Tribal Employees. Wadsworth Attendees may choose to pay at the Wadsworth Center.
It is important to maintain your Emergency Contact Form so that we are always able to communicate with you about any issues concerning your child. You may update this form as often as needed; verbal changes will not be accepted to ensure accuracy of the received information.
We encourage you to tour our facility before your child begins attending, and once they are enrolled, you may stop in to visit with your child during the day. You can also follow us on Facebook at
We look forward to partnering with you in the care and development of your child. It is our goal to foster a positive and caring environment where your child will learn the foundations for future academic success.
Thank you again for choosing us to care for your child!

Please click here for the application: Stone Mother Learning Center Application