Tribal Historic Preservation Office
Working to preserve and protect tribal lands and traditions.
Physical Address: 208 Capitol Hill, Nixon, Nevada 89424
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 256, Nixon, Nevada 89424
Phone: (775) 574-2404 | Fax: (775) 574-1008
Office Hours: Monday – Friday | 8:00am – 4:30pm
From time immemorial the Kooyooe Tukadu (Pyramid Lake Paiute people) have occupied this land for over thousands of years. To that end, we are entrusted to protect and preserve our tribal lands and ancestral territories.
The THPO and the Cultural Resources Committee works to enforce federal and tribal laws to provide historic preservation and protection of archeological sites, burial sites, historic sites, Traditional Cultural Places, gathering places, cultural landscapes and more.
In 2012, the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe entered into an agreement with the National Parks Service, Department of Interior to assume certain duties of the State Historic Preservation Office pursuant to Section 10l(d)(2) of the Historic Preservation Act, 16USC 470A et seq.
The tribe developed the office of the THPO which now works to ensure tribal consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act takes place to ensure adverse impacts to tribal and ancestral lands do not occur.
The THPO reviews projects that are both tribally and non-tribally sponsored but are federal undertakings. A federal undertaking is (36 CFR 800.16(y)) a project, activity or program funded in whole or part under the direct or indirect jurisdiction of a federal agency. The review process ensures compliance with Section 106, the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act and the Archeological Resource Protection Act through government to government consultation.
Cultural Resources Committe (CRC)
The CRC provides recommendations to the THPO on cultural, traditional and historic properties of the PLPT and those affecting aboriginal territories. The CRC are actively involved in NAGPRA issues and the return of ancestral remains back to their homeland.
CRC Members
- Dean Barlese
- Ralph Burns
- James Plympton
- Buck Sampson
THPO Staff
Betty Aleck
Tribal Historic Preservation Officer
Phone: (775) 574-2404
Fax: (775) 574-1008
Email: [email protected]